Advice Tax

Advice to private clients
We have extensive experience in providing tax advice to individuals, as well as the companies in which they invest their assets (family businesses and large companies) both in Spain and overseas.
Our vocation is to provide comprehensive tax advice to the entire family business, both personally and at the company headquarters.
We therefore have multidisciplinary and technical teams that allow us to offer global services, adapted to the special features of each case and cover the needs of the Client.
We offer services that include:
- Advice on the transfer to Spain of individuals and companies, the structuring of business assets and the review of pre-existing structures such as trusts, private foundations, etc. in order to organize them efficiently post-transfer.
- Adequate and optimal planning of national and international business assets, in order to detect and take advantage of the tax efficiencies available and develop an efficient tax strategy for future generation transfers via donations or inheritance.
- Advise individuals and families on the taxation of specialized national and foreign investment and savings products.
- Advice on the drafting of family protocols and financial aspects in separations and divorces.
Business advice:
We have an experienced team in corporate advice, attending to the tax needs of our clients linked to their day-to-day activities, providing advice on different tax areas of a local, national and international scope, as well as direct and indirect taxation.
In the same way, we are specialists in the drafting of internal policies of good tax practices, linked to director liability and tax compliance, issues that are increasingly necessary both in the framework of good business management and risk prevention.
We offer services that include:
- Attention to daily inquiries related to daily practice with incidence on any type of tax.
- Assistance in complying with your tax obligations related to the main taxes.
- Special experience in tax consolidation groups, both for the purposes of Corporation Tax and Value Added Tax.
- Attention to requirements issued by the Tax Administration.
- Assistance to the client in planning to optimally fulfill their tax obligations.
- Advice on the accreditation of deductions for R&D and Innovation.
- Advice to non-profit entities and in all kinds of issues related to patronage incentives.
- Advice on the implementation of internal protocols and procedures related to tax compliance.

Real Estate Tax
Specialization in real-estate tax, with clients such as Socimis, funds, private equity and national and international investment groups, which gives us extensive experience in the sector and its transactions.
In the same way, we provide advice in exceptional situations such as:
Transactions and restructurings
We have professionals with proven experience in transactional taxation, advising our clients on the design and tax planning of all types of corporate restructuring, seeking fiscal optimization of the resulting structure, always within a safe legal environment, as well as in processes of " due diligence”, negotiations and contracts, project financing, etc.
Tax procedure
Our professionals have extensive experience in assisting with inspections and tax verification procedures related to all the taxes in our system. This allows us to offer assistance throughout the procedure and on both administrative and judicial appeals.
In the same way, we have extensive experience in other tax management and collection procedures, which we make available to our clients to solve their problems in these areas.
As a special service, we also offer global projects for the recovery of unduly paid tax at a state, regional and local level, with extensive experience in managing this type of project on a large scale.
Tax advice in situations of business crisis
Lener specializes in helping companies in crisis situations to search for the most viable and beneficial solution. We therefore obviously have extensive experience in tax assistance in these situations, both in the field of refinancing, defense of taxpayer and / or creditor rights in insolvency procedures against the Tax Authorities, recovery of tax credits and support.
Clients can therefore always find an experienced advisor who is able to assist them in their normal business activity, in addition to perfectly coordinated teams with a high degree of specialization in specific matters that often pose a considerable degree of complexity for clients.